Monday, August 30, 2004



そうですね、確かにどうやらかわいい子にほとんど喜んで話してあげたりもっと知りたい気分がするようですな。でもそれは普通でしょう、女性もそういう行動見せるし(格好いい男性に)。確実に友達としたら美が関係ないけど、タイプを聞かれるとそれがどんな人がいいという事で やはりルックスが大切。だけど言いたかったのは一番大事な条件ではないのかな。


Monday, August 23, 2004

盗まれちゃった - Norway hunts for stolen 'Scream' - Aug 23, 2004: "OSLO, Norway -- Norwegian police have launched a nationwide hunt for armed thieves who stole two classic paintings by Edvard Munch, including "The Scream", in a brazen daytime heist in Oslo."

なんだよ、この野郎。困ってる人がいるのが理解してるけどこれがちょっと… 運良くけがをされてないということで、これから見つかるように期待します。

それで、悩みといえあば最近はちょっと悲しくなったみたい、僕。夏ばてなのかな。新しいスペイン語生徒二人ができて、プライベートで教えるのも思ったより大変時間がかかるようですね。後は永遠な卒業論文と めんどくさい一人暮らし。それにしてもわがままは良くないという事でせりふを変わりましょうか。すみませんでした。




Summer of the 2004

Ganguro Girl 1.5 - Flash Games: "Get educated, built and charming; work a job buy gifts and try to get the girl by going on dates with her."

With this simple and suggesting title (thanks Rafa for the present!) we get my opportunity for this summer to make out with no sweat. If no sweating would be possible with this unbearable heat.

Dance Performance
My summer have had few highlights so far, one of them being that I joined a dance class (!!) Hip hop. Why? Well, I was happy with my basketball last year, but it was hard to connect with the guys after the training for having some ramen or talk about our weekend. And going just for the sports training is not that funny, so I quited, lost some shape, then heard about the dance thing and after convincing myself that it was not gay at all I finally joined.
They made a performance recently in the Atsugi 'Trout' Festival (a small name for a small town) and they kicked ass, people will applaud and cheer the song for them more than for the singer.

Japan is a nice place in summer if you like to eat. The neighborhoods and cities all over the country will organize their own festival so it's quite probable that within 25 kilometers from the place you live five different firework shows will be held in July or August. They spend a lot of money there, but I reckon that they earn a lot of money too with the rental of the food stands, you couldn't believe the amount of people that goes to the festivals.
Ayu Matsuri Mikoshi
Portable shrine
In small cities like the one I live there is less people, and the fireworks have more pauses. Before every burst you will be told the sponsor and meaning of the next five minutes display (useless for the viewer, except to know which are the local companies with enough money to spend in this kind of publicity). You can see a lot of kids too, and both the girls and the guys like to dress in the traditional japanese summer clothing.

In the big city there is even more people. It is really hard to walk, and there is more kind of food to choose from. Last Sunday a friend of mine told me that it was some samba festival going on near Roppongi, so we went there to check it out.
fast impression of a crowded festival
people, lights and fast food
It was held in the neighbourhood of Azabu, and altough there was no samba nor fireworks (the samba is this week in Asakusa, I already made plans to go there and check) the atmosphere was crazy. We went to an international area full of shops from all over the world, although of course it was the japanesized version of it, they even brought some guys from Barcelona to prepare Fideuà; they had a big paellera and t-shirts of "Sabado sabadete" which is a (little bit expensive) Catalan restaurant in Ebisu.

Before that festival we had been in a party organized by the Embassy of Venezuela in Japan. I don't get why that obsession with some of the locals with the international. My japanese friends even asked me on our way to Tokyo "but you are international, aren't you?" to which I replied, perplexed, "what do you mean? I am a human being". They meant that I had a lot of foreing friends, which is right. So far from my experience, the Japanese tend to see foreigners in terms of the country they come from, not individually or by their education or background. I guess that coping with this conversations is what it takes; after all being an outsider means that a large number of "first conversations" with the (japanese) people I meet are going to be closer to "where are you from? oh, your japanese is so good" than to "do you like soccer? did you watch yesterday's match?".

When I think I have a good relationship with someone and they ask me something like that and I cannot help thinking "does he see me as Alvaro or as a Spanish friend?" And it also had happened that when I decided to drop a little bit my formality because I believe to have a good relationship with someone she warned me that my japanese was getting worse and that it didn't seem that I respected our friendship. I mean, that kind of close language just looked bad on me, and I don't know if it was because she just had a better impression of me or only because I'm a foreigner. There is plenty of examples like this one, being waiting for a friend which I believed to be close and receiving a call from her telling that she is tired and if it was ok to cancel our dinner. Of course I didn't care, I understood she wanted to rest, but I cannot help to wonder "maybe if I would have been japanese she would have come no matter how tired she was..." which at the end I cannot decide if it's better or worse. But I can see that being a foreigner makes people treat me differently in some occasions, and feeling different (that kind of different) is not nice always.

Well, conclusion: more madness to my weekends when what I need is time to write my report and sleep. I wonder where does it lurk that traditional tatami-room and quiet life often being portrayed in the guide books and novels. Not in Kanto definitely, and my guess is that neither is in Kansai, land of the greedy.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Broke again

The Gambler Lyrics:
Now ev’ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin’
Is knowin’ what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
’cause ev’ry hand’s a winner and ev’ry hand’s a loser,
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep.

Which basically suggests that if you are going to have a hard time it'd better came from somewhere you coulndn't expect, so you can decide again what to you with your hand. That makes me feel terribly guilty because we are on the 16th and I'm already wondering which plan should I cancel (too many "sure, I'll be there!" for the end of this month). Besides, this particular obsession of mine for inviting to my female friends no matter what has proven not to be of a great aid for my economy. Hum... and going out only with guys is not the solution eheheh.

This week another trainee goes back to her country. Goodbye Rita, without you the group will loose all its energy! :( I'm starting to think that all this are just but insinuations from my guardian angel to get more time to write my paper. Recently I cannot think in anything else. Ironically, I do all except that. And this evening is the dance class *sigh*

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Fuga radioactiva

:: Xinhuanet - English ::: "Nuclear leak leaves 4 dead in Japan"

A la espera de mi conexión a Internet sin proxies malignos sigo sin hacer mucha vida en la red, tan sólo leer las noticias y tal. Empiezo a leer que si Bobby Fisher está en Narita a la espera casi de que lo repatrien para que se pase los próximos 10 años en la carcel (bueno... vaya), en Venezuela Chavez lo empieza a tener difícil aunque al menos esta vez la oposición lo ha enfocado democráticamente (bien, bien) y... ¡ah! ¿un accidente en una planta nuclear en Fukui? Entre eso y los terremotos, en especial ese gordo que todo el mundo dice que está por venir, uno ya no sabe si lo mejor es olvidarse y seguir haciendo una vida normal o qué. Claro que si vuelves a España los problemas son otros. No es que yo viva en el País Vasco y sea profesor de Universidad, pero enumerando seguro que hacemos una bonita lista. Empezando por el paro o el precio de la vivienda y terminando por la inseguridad que al menos aún hay por mi barrio.

Quejas a parte todo parecen ser buenas noticias últimamente. Mi hermano llegó a USA sano y salvo (¡ánimo Bero, cómetelos!), con la hipoteca seguimos ganando cada batalla a fin de mes (aunque la guerra no termina) y las clases de baile a las que me apunté han resultado ser más divertidas de lo que me esperaba. Claro que si los de la facultad me viesen en la parte en la que hay que mover las caderas de la presión me tocaría abandonar las lecciones, jeje. Digamos que no es un movimiento muy masculino, o al menos yo no soy capaz de hacerlo para que mole. Y eso que cuando miro al resto de la gente desde fuera queda bastante bien.

Voy a seguir currando que si no me pongo con el proyecto no se va a terminar solo. Por cierto, ya he llegado a las 100 visitas ¡yei! :)

Monday, August 09, 2004


Desde siempre he sido un dormilón. Estar en los brazos de Morfeo para mí nunca significará dejar que Laurence Fishburne haga lo que se le apetezca con tu anatomía; para mí siempre ha sido sinónimo de paz y relax, de oir el despertador a las 8 y apagarlo pensando alegre "hoy es sábado, puedo dormir más", de llegar matao del curro y deslizarse en el sobre, las sábanas con olor a suavizante. Sí, tengo sueño. Hoy estoy que me caigo encima del teclado, así que no me quiero imaginar cómo acabaré el día. Le he prometido a Rita preparar un pastel de manzana para nuestra sesión de Spiderman 2 (que ya me han dicho por todos lados que decepciona bastante), y luego voy a clase de baile.

A veces me daría por levantarme de la silla y decirle pausado a mi jefe a lo Trabajo Basura "hoy no creo que vaya a trabajar", luego irme directo a la cama y olvidarme de todo por un día. Claro que sé lo que pasaría: a las 12 estaría ya descansado y sin más sueño, me quedaría despierto toda la noche haciendo mandangas hasta que llegase la hora de trabajar y nuevamente estaríamos en las mismas.

Así que hoy después del baile volveré a casa de Rita y allí mismo me echaré hasta que los muchachos se vayan y me arrastren a mi camita. Total, mejor que Spiderman tengo otra peli esperándome... ¡la de Yo.Robot! Que igual luego no es ni la mitad de lo que me espero, pero al menos nadie me la ha destrozado aún. Recuerdo aquella vez que andaba yo todo excitado porque iba a ver Armageddon (la última de Bruce Willis, yo pensando ya que no iba a hacer otra y que esa iba a ser su última aportación al celuloide) cuando me dijeron "ah! esa en la que Bruce Willis muere al final?" Si es que no tengo suerte.

A los amantes del comic echadle un vistazo a la web de adlo, últimamente se sale.


告白します。昨日は生まれて初めて…アイドルディーブイディーを買ったと。「あらら!」と思う前に続けて読んでください。理由があります。ま、実はないけど、やっぱり何年間ここにいたでしょう?「日本の経験」のために富士山登ったりラブホテル行ったりとかさ、なんでも試してみました。だけどマダそのめちゃくちゃ伝統などこでもあるもの見た事がなかった。だけどね、がっかりしましたよ。三十分しか見られなかった、高くてつまらなくて つまり買わなければ良かった。せめてポイントをたまればいいなのに(払うのが恥ずかしくて大変で買ったばかり時にもう後悔)
週末のハイライトはあれじゃなかったもちろん。土曜日家の町に祭りがあったのでちょうど会社の仲間と集合して見に行ったわけ。この前ディナーで知り合った女の子も来てくれましたし、花火大会場で他の友人と会った。その日にはあんまり食べなかった。しかし次の日はダンスの皆さんと小田原海岸でバーベキュー行っていました。楽しかったな、最終的に酔っ払いだけではなく しらふの人もそのまま海に入っちゃった。出たらべたべたの状態で最近に練習してる曲を踊りながらパティが続けました。