Thursday, August 25, 2005

My tickler file

my tickler file
Originally uploaded by schastar.
After reading Getting Things Done, I realized the importance of a pragmatic organic system. Before, I was putting too much stress on the synchronization part of it, like if you are going to have a task list, it should have an open digital format where exporting and importing was easy, like a text file or the task list of the palm pilot if the synchronization software was available.

But after trying the tickler for some days I needed to surrender to the power of simplicity. Every day at the end of my work, when reviewing the uncompleted tasks and merging them with the next day ones, I realize the proper priorization of some of them that I have been draging for too long. So either I put them far ahead in the calendar (kind of a "some day/maybe") or I give up doing it ("trash" or "waiting for", if i can have someone to do it for me).

The only inconvenient is to search. It is so unconfortable when someone ask me "are you free on wednesday morning?" and I have to go to my desk, open my drawer and take out a huge folder to browse in all the papers to be able to finally give an answer. I'd rather have a quick look in my small desk calendar. But of course, if I have to keep synchronized the calendar with the tickler file, I loose a lot of time so for the time being I only write the meetings, because once set they don't use to move suddenly.

Emanuel showed me the power of having everything online, but the other day I went to backpackit to finish my list for a BBQ and it was closed for maintenance! Imagine would have it been a more vital issue!

So I'd rather have the tickler system implemented *nicely* in a Palm soon. No matter how happy I might be, I still miss my synchronization... *sigh*

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Héctor va via

Originally uploaded by schastar.
Se nos va, por mucho que nos pese el chaval tiene que continuar su camino. Este es un post para desearte lo mejor a partir de ahora. Espero que sigas spurleandome links y que allá donde vayas sigas gambatteando haciendo hectors para seguir siendo el mas jozu.

Al menos la despedida la hicimos con exceso de calimocho y sangría ^^

Farewell! ヘクトルになりまーす

Monday, August 15, 2005








Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Otra vez en la cima del Fuji

Y ya van 3. No sé si volveré a subirla una vez más, por de pronto ya me he hecho la promesa de pensarmelo si alguna vez encuentro a alguien más tonto que yo que lo haya subido más veces, por aquello de ver quién es más burro. Esta vez fue especialmente ridículo, porque ¡desde la mitad ya había cola! Tardamos 2 horas más de lo previsto, ni que fuera la expo.

Que por cierto, me han dicho que la expo está imposible y todo lleno hasta arriba. Y digo yo: ¿es que esta gente no se queda en casa tranquila? Allá a donde vaya uno hay cola. En fin, al menos no se puede decir que no sean activos, eso es bueno.

Sólo añadir que esta vez fui disfrazado de dinosaurio, para no dejar colgados a mis colegas (que se empeñaron en comprar disfraces para hacerlo más interesante).